Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Write a Good Story

Dear You, 

Yes, I love quotes and I refuse to apologize for the mass amount of them on this blog.

So I happened to reblog these both onto my tumblr (http://miabrielle.tumblr.com in case you were wondering) within a couple of days of each other and noticed just how important they are. 

I feel like sometimes we're waiting for someone or something to happen. We wait for other people to somehow change our lives with a job or a love or some big event. We wait around for our lives to somehow turn perfect so we can live happily ever after. But that's not what life is about.

First of all, no one is going to save you. In the end, our stories are up to us. We write them, we choose what to do with them, and we choose how much happiness we find in life. Yes, it really sucks sometimes. Horrible things happen every single day. But that doesn't mean we're allowed to say that life ruined us. We ruin us. 

In the end, we chose the actions that we took and we chose how to enjoy life. If we mark our life by terrible events, uneventfulness, and time passing then yes, it will always be terrible. But if we take charge of our own lives and do what makes us happy, even if it only lasts one second, then we will be the lucky ones. Some people go their whole lives without realizing that it is their life to choose. 

I'm not saying certain things can't depress people. Bad people, bad jobs, disorders, heartbreak, it's there and it hurts. But those moments, the ones where your grandpa texts you a picture of his dog or your friend got that promotion she's been waiting for or your kid drew you a picture. It's those moments that make every single thing completely and wonderfully worth it. 

If we just brood because you got that text while you were busy working or because you wanted that promotion over her than you'll be writing a very depressing tragedy. 

We choose to find happiness in the little moments and we choose to make those little moments. In the end, our attitude and actions are up to us.

Thoughts? Leave me a comment below!

Have an Amazing Day!
Mia B

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