Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Frozen Review

Dear You,

In last week's library scour for something I haven't read yet, I came across a book called Frozen which I may have initially picked up because of the Disney movie but the summary sounded interesting enough on it's own accord. 

It's written by a husband and wife duo with a good amount of success in past books: Melissa de la Cruz and Michael Johnston. I didn't expect this book to be that good because the past few I've taken a chance on in the library have turned out to be boring but this one was different. 

The book starts out with an event, a dystopian/sci-fi event that goes unexplained for a large part of the book. And it eventually gets cleared up but they definitely could have explained some more about that. 

The romance stories within the overall story are written nicely. They are all unique, things that you may have expected but not as obvious as several other books I could name. 

I loved the dystopian/sci-fi uniquevity of the plot, it was definitely different which seems incredibly difficult to me. There are so many different worlds and superpowers already created and imagined and loved, how can they possibly keep coming up with these new ones? But they do, fantasy author's creativity is inspiring. 

I do have some criticism for the book though. While the plot was well imagined there were parts with very poor execution. My biggest complaint being the ending. Several things happen in an extremely short amount of time with very little explanation. The action was focused on rather than the explanation. There is definitely a line in the "don't tell, show" way of writing but I think they avoided it too much. Or maybe I was just reading too fast, who knows? ;)

Either way, I thought the book was well imagined but had a lot of poor writing. Overall, it was better than any random books I've picked up thus far but not my favorite. 

What are your thoughts? Leave me a comment below!

Have an Amazing Day!
Mia B

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