Friday, September 26, 2014

Quote - Gender Equality

Dear You,

In light of Emma Watson's empowering speech at the UN a couple of days ago, I thought this quote would be good to post.

I think one of the main contributing factors to the misunderstanding of gender inequality has to be that it's not just men misunderstating the ability of women. But also the fact that all girls are taught from a very young age (probably near 7) that we really aren't supposed to be good enough, we need to make sure that we don't have too much confidence, even if we are great. 

I remember, in first grade there were different categories for the best boy reader and the best girl reader because boys needed to compete in sports and had different priorities in life but they still needed prizes for reading. Women really aren't supposed to be ambitious or too good at anything. I remember that feeling, not wanting to own my accomplishments like I should have because I couldn't have been that good at something. I was just a girl. 

But I'm not just a girl. I'm a hard-working writer and a pretty good runner and in first grade, I was a kick-butt reader, twice as good as any of the boys. And I know that's how my parents raised me, they raised me to take charge of my life and do awe-inspiring things, to reach for the clouds no matter what anyone told me. Not to limit myself because I'm not good enough, to be the best at whatever I wanted to be, no matter what.

If you are interested in Emma Watson's inspiring campaign for gender equality you can go here to learn more about it. 

Comment below with your thoughts! I'd love to chat :)

Have a Wonderful Day!
Mia B

If you wanted to be really awesome you could check out my New Youtube Video :)

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