Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Author Focus- John Green

Dear you,

Awhile back I read the most popular young adult book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. Green is an amazing author, creates interesting Youtube videos, has multiple charitable functions, and is all around a pretty awesome person. Recently I started reading all of the other books he's written and have really been enjoying it.

The Fault in Our Stars

This was the first of the ones I read and definitely my favorite. The movie for this comes out June 6th and I'm quite excited. It's an unconventional love story of 2 cancer kids, without the sympathy but still containing the epicness in any good tragedy and characters unique to their own extent. You can get a signed copy for no extra cost (normal book cost+shipping) if you contact the publishing website here. They always have extras. 

Looking For Alaska

This is my second favorite of his books. It revolves around an intellectual teenage boy going to prep school and the unique friends he finds. The characters are unique and the development is unmatched. Green captures the spirit of the modern teenager better than any teenager I know could, which is saying a lot considering I am one. I'm normally not one for all too much realistic fiction but this one was immensely interesting. 

An Abundance of Katherines

This one had a rather funny story. It begins on the premise of a smart teenage boy who has dated 19 different Katherines consecutively and the logical reasoning that there must be an equation that fits every single one. I got bored near the beginning but thought it was more interesting later on. It can be slow at parts but the overall story was definitely great. 

Will Grayson, Will Grayson

This book involves the interwoven lives of two teenage boys who meet by chance both named Will Grayson and the lessons they learn from each other. They both have issues, which I think most teenagers feel they can relate to but there is a common theme in Green's books that breaks the teenage stereotype. None of his characters are ever the normal types or popular types. They're the outcasts, the ones who don't belong with the crowd but hence belong with all of the others who don't fit the quota. Something not every kid can relate to but I'm glad the ones who are commonly overlooked in YA fiction are finally getting a voice. 

Paper Towns

This one may have been my least favorite. I love John Green and I think he is an amazing author and this book was still better than many others I've read, this one just wasn't for me. There's nothing wrong with it, the characters are well developed, the plot is "cleverly constructed", and it had a really good message about life and getting stuck. I enjoyed the message but for some reason I just didn't enjoy this particular book as much as the others but still I'm a huge fan.

Overall, I love most of his books, he's an amazing author, and I'm excited to see what he works on next but for the meantime I'm content watching his interesting Youtube videos (name: vlogbrothers). 

Let me know what you think about John Green, if you've read his books below. If you haven't read any of his work, what's your favorite book?

Thanks for reading!
Mia B

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